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Classes, Courses& Transmissions

Full Moon Rituals:
Animal Kin Series

Transmitted and lead under the Full and New Moons, these prerecorded rituals will lead you into a beautiful introduction with a member of the animal kingdom. These rituals can be followed at any time but can be amplified transmissions under a Full Moon and when you're ready to set an intention.

The Elk

A ritual and communion conducted under the Full Moon in Sagittarius 2022

The Dove

A ritual and communion conducted under the Full Moon in Libra 2022.

The Orangutan

A ritual and communion conducted under the Full Moon in Virgo 2022

The Peacock

A ritual and communion conducted under the Full Moon in Leo 2022

The Koi Fish

A ritual and communion conducted under the Full Moon in Cancer 2022

New Moon Rituals

These rituals can be performed under any New Moon and have the purpose of declaring intentions that are aligned with amplifications and efforts of "calling-in."  

Creating Holy Water with Grandmother Spider

This ritual and workshop allow you to create your very own holy water with the blessings of Grandmother Spider. This is a working conducted under the New Moon of Pisces.

"The Willow Tree"

Travel into the Underworld and commune with the magick of the Willow Tree. This ritual was conducted under the New Moon of Aquarius.

Group Healing Rituals

This group ritual working is based on the practices and traditions of Vanessa’s teachers and guides within her ancestral lineage. Normally offered as a one-on-one service, Vanessa found it important to make its healing gifts more accessible as a group working. To read more click on any of the images below.

"The Universe of the Body" Come Full Circle Group Healing Ritual

Explore and connect to "The Universe of the Body", (your body) and hear what it has to say. The messages may surprise you.

"The Well" Come Full Circle Group Healing Ritual

Take a journey into "The Well" as Vanessa leads you into an Earth based group healing ritual.

"Cave of Moonlight" Come Full Circle Group Ritual

Visit the "Cave of Moonlight" as Vanessa leads you through the Come Full Circle group healing ritual.

Classes and Courses

These are classes and courses previously conducted and have been recorded to allow others to participate at their own pace. Not all of Vanessa's classes and courses are available as pre-recorded offerings because of the nature of her lessons, the respect of the privacy of students and to protect the living energy of the group. In other cases, such as these, Vanessa found it appropriate to allow others to have access to these teachings. Enjoy!

Dreaming the Tarot: A Tarot Spread for Dream Interpretation

This is a 2-hour intermediate Tarot class. Some Tarot experience and knowledge is required.

Introduction to Faery Magick

This 7-week course serves as an introduction to the powerful tradition of Faery and is a prerequisite to the 5-Stage Apprenticeship of The Faery Way of the Golden Rose.

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