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Classes, Courses& Transmissions
Full Moon Rituals:
Animal Kin Series
Transmitted and lead under the Full and New Moons, these prerecorded rituals will lead you into a beautiful introduction with a member of the animal kingdom. These rituals can be followed at any time but can be amplified transmissions under a Full Moon and when you're ready to set an intention.
New Moon Rituals
These rituals can be performed under any New Moon and have the purpose of declaring intentions that are aligned with amplifications and efforts of "calling-in."
Group Healing Rituals
This group ritual working is based on the practices and traditions of Vanessa’s teachers and guides within her ancestral lineage. Normally offered as a one-on-one service, Vanessa found it important to make its healing gifts more accessible as a group working. To read more click on any of the images below.
Classes and Courses
These are classes and courses previously conducted and have been recorded to allow others to participate at their own pace. Not all of Vanessa's classes and courses are available as pre-recorded offerings because of the nature of her lessons, the respect of the privacy of students and to protect the living energy of the group. In other cases, such as these, Vanessa found it appropriate to allow others to have access to these teachings. Enjoy!
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